Window 75


“We never promised ourselves a symphony”, an interaktive sound installation by Leon Eixenberger and Domenikos de Visser

Mit Leon Eixenberger’s interaktiver Sound-Installation hat Berlin-Weekly das erste Project Space Festival a href=““>
im August 2014 ‘ausklingen’ lassen. Die Installation bestand aus diversen Klangkörpern, die der Künstler zusammen mit dem Instrumentenbauer Domenikos de Visser für diesen Raum entwickelt hat. Der Raum stand von 12 – 24 Uhr offen – das Publikum , darunter auch viele zufällig vorbeiziehende Passanten, waren eingeladen sich hier niederzulassen und gemeinsam zu spielen.

As the last part of the Project Space Festival Berlin, Leon Eixenberger showed in collaboration with the the experimental instrument builder Domenikos de Visser an interactive sound installation. All day long the public used intensively the opportunity to join in and play those instruments. The work expressed Berlin-Weekly’s attempt to open itself into the public space and tune people into a conversation“

„Together we remember playing the lamps in the tiny, hardly used room, with the narrow east window.
Our ponderosity lies in the hollow volume of their bodies.
Let us look for the moment, where we can drop the weight of being conscious about all the things that happen in the world.
Your marble care falls down onto the tickling floor.
The autonomous tensioning devices release our feet’s half knowledge.
They can open your children to travel through sonic complexities.
Free sailing, on waves cleared from the international languages of cooperate orchestras.
You equalized yourself!
Inside an embarrassing beauty of dissonance.“ Leon Eixenberger